
Final Conference of the JoinMe2-Project in İzmir

From the 15th to 16th of June 2023, the final conference of the JoinMe2 project took place in İzmir. Here, the training modules on "Disability", "Sexual Orientation", "Sex, Gender Identity and Gender Expression" and "Race, Ethnicity and Culture" which have been developed and tested in the project as well as the results of the evaluation were presented by all project partners.
Final conference JoinMe2

The project coordinators Prof. Nesrin Oruç Ertürk and Prof. Aynur Yürekli welcomed project partners and guests working in different educational contexts in Europe.

Dr. Franziska Bonna, Marija Cubalevska and Gabriela Hotes joined the conference. Marija Cubalevska, a research associate and doctoral candidate at the University of Bremen, presented contents of her PhD thesis in a guest lecture: "Teaching in Transit: Discursive Practices in Language Education Programs on the Periphery of Europe and their Implications for Inclusive Adult Education".

The conference also featured workshops on promoting inclusion and diversity consciousness, including "Embracing Diversity: Promoting Inclusivity in Higher Education through religious Understanding" by Ali Akbar & Rubi Mahmaood (University of Derby, UK) and "Exploring Intersectionality and Positionality: Reflections on Identity and Privilege" by Ceren Abacıoğlu (University of Amsterdam, NL).

After the last joint meeting of the international project group in İzmir, the training modules will be revised one last time based on the evaluation results before the project is going to end in August 2023.
