
Start of scientific evaluation of the model project "German language course for cognitively impaired people in the state of Bremen"

With the beginning of September, the ITB (Department Prof. Dr. Heinemann) is going to start the accompanying scientific research of the model project "German language course for cognitively impaired people in the state of Bremen". The model project is financed by the "Language Coordination Office of the State of Bremen" with funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) and aims to promote the social participation of employees in sheltered workshops for people with disabilities who are cognitively impaired and whose first language is not German.
Werkstatt Bremen

Within the next 12 months, the ITB will investigate, to what extend the learners of the course can design and shape the lessons participative.

We are pleased to be working together with the Language Coordination Office of the State of Bremen (Koordinationsstelle Sprache des Landes Bremen), the Bremen Sheltered Workshops (Werkstatt Bremen), the Bremen Senator for Economics, Labour and Europe (Senatorin für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Europa), as well as the Centre for Schools and Professions (Zentrum Schule und Beruf) of the German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz).

You can find further information on the project via the link in the blue box. If you have any questions about the project, please contact Dr. Franziska Bonna (bonna@uni-bremen.de).
