The digital assistants developed in the EU project COALA with the participation of the ITB were presented at Hannover Messe 2023. The focus was on the application of a voice assistant and the underlying artificial intelligence. The offer to try out the functions for selected application scenarios in interactive demonstrations met with great response from the visitors to the stand. Here, exemplary quality assurance could be carried out, the handling of disruptions in the production process as well as a training concept based on microlearning units could be exploratively tested.
Potential users, technology developers and entrepreneurs were keen to find out about possible additional areas of application. The main interest was in information about a possible market transfer after the project phase. Once again, the project partners were confirmed that the developed technology can be a helpful addition to existing assistance systems and that the human being, who is the focus of the technical work, gets a well usable tool in the hands or, in this case, in the ears.