
Study "Dual Apprenticeship and Continuing Vocational Education and Training in Central and Eastern Europe" available online

The growth potential in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) for family businesses is considerable; however, there is a lack of qualified skilled workers. Dual training is still little established in the region and corresponding structures are often lacking. German family businesses in particular are already committed, but can still expand their training and further education there. This applies to both the scope and the organisation on site.
Foto: Juanmonino ǀ iStock
This is made clear by the new study "Duale Ausbildung und Weiterbildung in Mittel- und Osteuropa" (Dual Training and Continuing Education in Central and Eastern Europe), which Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Gessler and Dr Susanne Peters with the support of Dr Magdolna Benke (Hungary), Horacy Debowski (Poland), Dr Anja Greppmair (ITB), Dr Kristina Kühn (ITB) and Dana C. Stroie (Romania) on behalf of the Family Business Foundation. For the first time, it examines how family businesses in the region are involved as training companies and provides recommendations for action. The study is available for download in the blue box.