The guiding principle of work process and competence orientation in vocational education and training leads to the challenge for teachers at vocational schools and students of this teaching profession to design vocational teaching/learning processes correspondingly. In accordance with the requirements of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK), this is done with the help of learning situations.
How such learning situations can be developed is shown step by step in this handbook, which was designed in cooperation between the ITB and the Landesinstitut für Schule (Regional Institute for Schools). Each step is explained in detail and the necessary documentation templates are introduced, explained and illustrated with examples.
The handbook has been published in the series “Kompetenzwerkstatt - Handbücher für die Berufsbildungspraxis” and can be downloaded free of charge via the link in the blue box.