ZEBO: Collaborating with socio-economically disadvantaged parents in vocational orientation
Parents and guardians are the most important reference persons for many young people in phases of professional orientation. Nevertheless, decisive inequalities and uncertainties are emerging in the cooperation between schools and parents. Socio-economically disadvantaged families in particular are prematurely overlooked. After the previous project "BOGyO - Berufliche Orientierung für die gymnasialen Oberstufen" (Professional Orientation for Upper Secondary Schools) made a further contribution to the systematic improvement of Bremen's PO structures, the project is now being deepened in order to be able to better organize the active cooperation with socio-economically disadvantaged parents on the part of the schools.
- Marija Cubalevska
- Prof. Dr. Alisha M. B. Heinemann (Project Coordination)
- Julia Tietjen
Life span
31. March 2022 to 31. October 2022Partners
- Land Bremen