
International G.R.E.A.T. conference "Informal Learning in Vocational Education and Training"

The international conference of the "German Research Center for Comparative Vocational Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.)" at the University of Cologne from 28.09. to 30.09.22 dealt with current issues and findings related to informal learning in vocational education and training.
Logo of the G.R.E.A.T. conference
Although informal learning (e.g. in the workplace) is of great importance in VET in many countries, there are relatively few empirical studies investigating informal e.g. learning on the micro level or explicitly dealing with informal learning in the (informal) VET sector and its connection to (informal) labor markets. The ITB (Michael Gessler, Lisa Meyne, Susanne Peters) participated in this discourse with the research paper and presentation "Incidental Learning in International VET Transfer: Perspectives of German VET Providers".