
Reference book of the IntAGt project now published: Concepts and implementation examples for the new standard occupational profile position "Safety and health at the workplace"

The federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) held a theme week with the titel "Vier sind die Zukunft" (Four are the future) to provide information on the four modernised standard occupational profile items for all training occupations. Standard occupational profile items are compulsory components of all initial vocational training and their content must be taught integratively throughout the entire training period.
Technician at work

All training regulations thus receive binding minimum requirements for the areas of

  • Organisation of the training company, VET, Labour and Tarif Law,
  • safety and health at the workplace,
  • environmental protection and sustainability and
  • digitised working world.

These "qualifying four" apply to all training occupations that come into force from 01.08.2021; for existing training occupations they have the character of recommendations.

The modernised standard occupational profile item "occupational safety and health" includes, among other things, skills, knowledge and abilities to be able to "take technical and organisational measures to avoid hazards and mental and physical stress for themselves and others, including preventive measures". The IntAGt research project, funded by the BMBF and coordinated by the ITB, has contributed to this by testing how trainees can be made aware of the topic of occupational health and safety, especially the topic of mental stress at work, right at the beginning of their working lives and how health-promoting work design skills can be promoted.

The results from the IntAGt project are published in the reference book edited by Claudia Fenzl, Falk Howe and Raphael von Galen „Gesundheitsförderliche Arbeitsgestaltung als Gegenstand einer zukunftsfähigen Berufsbildung. Ergebnisse und Konzepte aus dem Forschungsprojekt IntAGt“ (Health-promoting work design as a subject of sustainable vocational education and training. Results and concepts from the IntAGt research project), which was published by Verlag wbv in July 2021 and is also available in open access as an e-book.

The links in the blue box will take you to the project description, to BIBB's standard vocational training positions and to the free download of the book via the publisher's website.
