ANKOM – Anrechnung beruflicher Kompetenzen auf Hochschulstudiengänge am Beispiel des Studiengangs Systems‐Engineering

The "ANKOM" project develops and tests procedures for crediting professional knowledge, skills and competences in higher education courses. To this end, three Northwest German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, representatives of the universities of Oldenburg and Bremen and other research and educational institutions have joined forces to form a regional qualification network.

The "ANKOM" project develops and tests procedures for crediting professional knowledge, skills and competences in higher education courses. To this end, three Northwest German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, representatives of the universities of Oldenburg and Bremen and other research and educational institutions have joined forces to form a regional qualification network.

Among other things, the planned credit system provides for the award of ECTS points for skills, competences and knowledge which are acquired in the course of professional activity or in initial and continuing vocational training. The crediting procedure is to be developed on the basis of equivalence comparisons, taking into account not only specific but also interdisciplinary knowledge and competences. In the part-time course of studies "Bachelor of Business Administration in small and medium-sized enterprises" at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, the crediting procedure is to be implemented and evaluated in practice. The experiences and findings gained in this way are disseminated among others in the university sector and via the German Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHT).
