KIM – Artificial intelligence as a mentor for lifelong learning
In the joint project "KIM – Artificial Intelligence as a Mentor for Lifelong Learning", an AI solution will be developed that offers users of professional training platforms targeted assistance in the selection of training opportunities. The users and their professional and career wishes are the focus of the project. They initially carry out a self-assessment of their competencies and express their current professional and career wishes, as well as their own preferences (e.g. free and paid offers, time restrictions with regard to course offers, etc.).
- Svenja Gmeinder
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maren Petersen (Project Coordination)
Life span
01. September 2021 to 31. August 2024Partners
- Technische Universität Hamburg, Institut für Laser- und Anlagensystemtechnik (iLAS)
- oncampus GmbH
- consider it GmbH
Innovation competition INVITE
Category B: up to 500.000 €