Taccle AI – Improving skills and competences of VET teachers and trainers in the age of artificial intelligence

Context: The transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) cuts across all economic and social sectors, including education. There are particular implications of AI for vocational education and training and changes within workplaces that require transformation in education and training, both for those in work and those seeking employment. Aim: There is an urgent need for young people to be equipped with knowledge of AI in order to better operate in the future world of work. In order to prepare young people for this task, further training of teachers and trainers is essential to be able to initiate new teaching/learning arrangements.


Research question: What is the impact of AI on VET in Europe and how can it be dealt with?

Results: The project will first conduct a detailed investigation of the impact of AI on vocational education and training in Europe. Open access learning materials and training programmes will be developed in course form (toolkit and MOOC) to use information and communication technologies to enhance the initial and continuing professional development of VET teachers and trainers in the field of AI. The lessons learned will be used to add competences for VET teachers and trainers in the use of AI for teaching and training and in the integration of AI in VET to the European framework DigiComEdu.

