With about 50 employees, it is one of the largest independent research institutions on vocational education and training worldwide. The four departments of the institute are headed by professors from the faculties 01 (Physics/Electrical Engineering), 04 (Production Engineering) and 12 (Educational Sciences).
As a Central Research Institute of the University of Bremen, the Institute Technology and Education is evaluated annually by an external scientific advisory board. In addition, a comprehensive evaluation by the Research Commission of the Academic Senate of the University of Bremen takes place every five years. The purpose of this evaluation is to decide on the status CRU: Will the CRU status be maintained and thus extended for another five years or will the institute lose the status?
The Research Commission of the Academic Senate (RC AS) has not only recommended the extension of the central institute to the Academic Senate after the completion of its evaluation, but it has combined this recommendation with a praise that makes us proud. The ITB succeeds "in an exemplary manner in integrating research and teaching as well as theory and practice. In this way, it gains a lighthouse character that has a strong impact on the region." (Performance Description CRU ITB, RC AS). The Academic Senate of the University of Bremen unanimously followed the recommendation of the Research Commission on December 15, 2021, which allows the Institute of Technology and Education to continue its status as a Central Research Unit of the University of Bremen until 2026.
On behalf of all employees, we would like to express our sincere thanks for the appreciative work of the Research Commission and the positive decision of the Academic Senate, and we are very pleased to be able to continue our work as CRU of the University of Bremen. ITB Board of Directors: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Gessler (FB 12), Prof. Dr. Alisha Heinemann (FB 12), Prof. Dr. Falk Howe (FB 1), Peter Kaune (ITB Administration Director), Prof. Dr. Maren Petersen (FB 4).