
The guiding principle of the ITB's research is the analysis and design of the interrelationship between technology, work and education. The focal point of the scientific work is VET research with the subject areas of initial and continuing VET and occupations and vocational training systems on the one hand and their demarcations and exclusions, transitions, prerequisites and alternatives on the other.


The Institute Technology and Education (ITB) was founded in October 1986 and has since become a central scientific institution of the University of Bremen. With around 50 employees, it is one of the largest independent research institutions for vocational education and training worldwide. The four departments of the institute are headed by professors from the faculties 01 (Physics/Electrical Engineering), 04 (Production Engineering) and 12 (Educational Sciences).

Courses of Study

The ITB offers two courses of study: A Bachelor's programme (B. Sc.) and a Master's programme (M. Ed.). Teachers qualified in vocational education and vocational science for vocational schools in the vocational fields of electrical engineering, information technology, metal technology and automotive engineering are trained in the immediate vicinity of research.

