6. Digital Media in Vocational Education and Training
Digitalisation, teaching-learning processes, gamification, collaborative learning, media didactics, media education, media competence
In the discourse on "(vocational) education and training 4.0" or "learning 4.0" it is pointed out, among other things, that increasing digitalisation also changes the design of teaching and learning processes and formats. Mobile Learning, Augmented, Virtual or Mixed Reality, MOOCs, Gamification, Learning Analytics etc. offer new possibilities for self-directed, cooperative and networked learning. Design and further development of media-supported teaching and learning offered in this research field, is based on vocational pedagogical concepts on three levels: On organisational level, questions of embedding digital media in companies and schools and their consequences for the relationship between work and learning are analysed. On the level of teaching and learning processes, the potential of digital media to design and organise teaching and learning processes differently is examined with reference to media didactic approaches. Finally, on technical level, the development of media-technical learning environments is investigated with regard to changing socialisation and usage conditions. In addition to vocational education and training, pre-vocational and (extra-)school education is addressed here.